Friday, August 22, 2008

Pre-Trek Adventures

Near the end of last year I realised that I would have to establish a program to get fit. When a couple of my work friends told me of their weekend walk from Manly to Spit Bridge, I said, "that sound great, if you do anymore let me know, as I need to get into training for my trek". Little did I know that this short phrase would open the door to many weekend adventures in and around Sydney.

Over the past eight months my kind friends have taken me under their wing and accompanied me on numerous weekend treks. Inevitably we have managed on a number of times to take the wrong pathway, but somehow more through good fortune than good management we haven't got lost. There has been the odd black snake, a golf ball that just missed us, leeches, stiff and sore muscles, some amazing scenery and lots of laughs. I really have to thank the girls for their persistance and organisation with our weekend excursions, as it has really made my training enjoyable and I think they will agree that we have discovered many places around Sydney that we didn't know existed.

Tomorrow we are heading off on a more civilised walk, Edgecliffe to Watson's Bay and then onto Bondi. This trip is planned with enticements along the way: The chocolate shop at Double Bay, fish and chips at Doyles (Watson's Bay) and afternoon tea at Bondi. My mouth is watering already.

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